

<新約聖書・ヨハネによる福音書4章37~38節 新共同訳>
セブンスデー・アドベンチスト八王子キリスト教会 牧師:伊藤 滋
English Ver ‘One person plants, but another person harvests the crop.’
One of my delight of spring season is to see flower of tulip.
There are some planters in front of our church, tulips are growing among flowers of viola. I planted them last autumn.
However, when I saw these flowers, I have mixed feelings. I will move to another church next week, so I will not see these tulip flowers.
It's pity that I can't see the flower that I have planted.
After thinking about it, much of what we have is not something we have made myself. For example, I harvested orange which was planted in front of my house last week.
It was not planted my own. Probably it was planted by a former pastor. Actually I didn't plant it, but I was able to eat orange every year.
It is true when we say, ‘One person plants, but another person harvests the crop.’ I sent you to harvest a crop that you did not work for. Others did the work, and you get the profit from their work.”
(John 4:37,38 ERV)
I was baptized 35 years ago. But I did not find God by myself. And I was not baptized by myself.
Someone sowed the seed of Gospel for me, so as a result I was able to believe God.
I will work as a pastor at Kitaura Saniku Junior High School and Church from this April. That's where I was baptized 35 years ago. I would like to sow the seed of Gospel like someone sowed for us 35 years ago.
And I want to say thank you very much to you. Because you have read these article every week and support for me during these 6 years. May God bless you!